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A breath of fresh air is sweeping through our Journal. In this third edition, we follow the wind that fills our sails and refreshes our lands. We cook ‘al fresco’ in the warm air, and decant in the cool; we blow out candles and, resting an arm on our shovels, we draw a deep breath. This Journal invites you on a journey – with your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds.



 « Cultivate to pass on. At Lafite, this has been our family commitment for over 150 years. Today, more than ever in this era of climate upheaval, our businesses depend on the balance of nature, our terroir and our vines. The human being is merely the bearer of witness. There to protect.» – Saskia de Rothschild 



Welcome to the first edition of our Journal.

This issue: a recipe, a word or a label, a wine, a vocation, a reinvention, a great or a small story… Everything starts with its own roots.

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